合計5日間にわたる試験でした。いやー非常につかれた。そして完全燃焼したので、昨日はもうぐったりで、昨日の口頭試問のあとに、ほどなくして、結果が発表されまして、見事、「Retake(追試)」扱いになりました。つまり不合格ということですね。6人中4人が不合格となりました(2人だけが合格です)。 不合格4人中、3人が「Retake」で、1人が退学勧告となりました(強制退学ということではなく、今後の合格の可能性が低いので、退学を勧められるということです)。
第三問については、40ページくらいのCox Hazard modelを採用した論文でした。
Qualification exam: Question sheet
Time: April 19, 12PM – April 21, 24PM
Please note that you are expected to provide two write-ups for questions 1 & 2 that:
- serves as a research proposal;
- follows a typical AMJ paper’s front part (before method) in terms of style and format;
- does not exceed 8 pages in single space including everything (e.g., figures; references);
- should clearly identify the research question(s) to be addressed, the issue or phenomenon to be focused, the literatures that are relevant to this proposal, and the contributions that your work will make;
- contains a set of specific hypotheses and, accordingly, well-developed arguments;
- uses English as working language.
Question 1 (40 points)
Please choose one or two of the theoretical perspectives (including RBV, KBV, TCE, Agency Theory, Upper Echelons Perspective, Network Perspective, Institutional Theory, Evolutionary Theory, Organization Learning, Competitive Rivalry, Industrial Organization, Contingency Theory, Resource Dependence, Organization Ecology, Dynamic Capabilities, Real Options,…) to analyze the issue / phenomenon that is described in the following paragraph.
“…Many managers find that it is increasingly important for their companies to keep strategic agility, which often involves adaptation to the changing environment. However, implementation of organizational change is never easy. What are the main sources of organizational inertia and how to overcome inertia remain as a challenge for many companies and their managers…”
Question 2 (40 points)
The global financial crisis, which struck most of the world’s national and regional economic systems in 2008, has led to calls for further reflection on the interactions of micro-level firm strategies and macro-level institutional environments. Choose one of the following research questions and prepare a brief research proposal.
1. Should MNEs reassess the relative attractiveness of alternative locations for international business strategy depending on the severity of global economic crises and the appropriateness of policy responses in these locations? How will alternative location choices affect performance of MNEs in such a crisis?
2. How does the global financial crisis affect the internalization / de-internalization calculus of firms operating across borders (e.g. entry mode choices, export channels), especially in terms of the de-internalization activities previously conducted inside the firm, so as to improve flexibility?
3. How are the organization and management of MNEs affected by the global financial crisis? For example, does the global financial crisis encourage or discourage M&As and international strategic alliances? How do MNEs react to the global financial crisis trough strategic changes, such as downsizing?
Question 3 (20 points)
Please read through the attached paper “***********(論文タイトル:伏字にしておきます)” and provide a write-up of your review on the empirics of the paper. Please use #1, #2, #3…to arrange your critiques, comments and suggestions. Your review should not exceed 4 pages in single space.
下記の画像が、僕の上記の問題に対する回答の一部です、こんな感じでアイディアをまとめて、書き出して、フォーマットを整えてひとつの英文の論文提議(Proposal)にします。図とかも時間内で自分で書きます。ちょーぜつ大変です。そして、これに対する口頭試問(教授からの批判等)があります。いまから眺めても、よく60時間でここまでやったと自分で褒めちゃいます(笑。 僕、お疲れ様でした!
Thank you !:この記事閲覧しましたら下記、右か左のバナーのクリックをお願いします。1日1クリック。もし可能であれば、両方のクリックがありがたいと思います。by 中川コージ